A simple discipleship relationship changed not only one life, but several. Take a look at this story of making a disciple who makes disciples.
A simple discipleship relationship changed not only one life, but several. Take a look at this story of making a disciple who makes disciples.
Every one of us is making disciples. But what are we making disciples of? Check out this short video on making disciples of Jesus.
Who – or what – have you been making disciples of?
Alexis saw her life changed by the gospel of Jesus at college. She put her trust in Him for salvation and got baptized. Check out her story.
Making disciples involves serving as a witness to the good news of Jesus. Check out this video that details what it looks like to be a witness –
What stands out to you from the video?
What does it look like to see deep and lasting sanctification take place in our lives? Listen to this teaching from Dr. Tim Keller.
Living out your gospel identity in a world that is working to assign you other identities is hard work. Check out this teaching about four guys who were able to do just that.
Post anything from the teaching that was particularly helpful for you.
What’s the difference between achieving and receiving identity? Watch this powerful video to find out.
What from this video did you need to hear? Comment below.
Check out this fascinating (and also funny) Bible Project video on humans as the image of God.
Comment below with anything you learned and/or stood out to you.
Check out this incredible song by Shane and Shane with a sermon clip from John Piper that highlights what God has done for you and me through the gospel of Jesus.
Post in the comments what stood out to you and/or was helpful from the lyrics and sermon clip.
We all love good news – both hearing it and sharing it. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, social media and the news were ripe with news of tragedy, terror, and turmoil. Actor John Krasinksi took it upon himself to shine a spot of good news in the gloom and doom with his “Some Good News” video series.
Watch this episode of his video series, then consider how YOU can share the good news of Jesus with others in a dark and often depressing world. Whether it be a great restaurant, an amazing movie, a sports team victory, a promotion, or something entirely different, we have a natural propensity to tell others about the positive things we hear, see, and want others to experience – and Jesus is by far the best thing of all.
Someone you know needs to hear about Him.
What’s some good news that you have heard or shared with others recently? Post in the comments for all to enjoy.